
Marine Volunteering in Honour of Icarus.

Many of us were bereft after the internet took a video of an angler fish and made poetry from it. If you haven’t seen her yet, it was a female angler fish nick named Icarus who for the first time in science was recorded swimming close to the surface of the water. Normally angler fish stay at the very bottom of the ocean, the only light they see is from bioluminescence from their own lanterns and other animals in the depths. Why did she swim to the surface? Probably because she was old and sometimes these things happen when fish get old. But the poets, artists and sensitive souls on the internet decided she wanted to see the sun on her face, she wanted to see light that she didn’t have to create by herself. Did this touch you like it touched us? Because I still have tears in my eyes for sweet Icarus.

But what are we to do with this emotion we have for the ocean dwellers? Of course we think you should volunteer! We have programs with sharks, sea turtles and dolphins (there are two group trips this year in Croatia)! Sometimes you stay on a boat, sometimes you tag animals, sometimes you help restore their environments. No matter what you are helping their populations and the ecosystems they live in. If you are interested in our marine programs check out our website to look through and see calls to your heart.

Want your friends to come travel with you? Forward them this email and you’ll both get 10% any program when you volunteer in 2025!