Ridgewater College, Veterinary Technology Program Portal.
Are you interested in completing an international program? Consider traveling with AEI to participate in a medical based placement. These placements have been pre-approved by Ridgewater College, Veterinary Technology Program to qualify as a international placements for students registered in the Veterinary Technology Program.
All of the AEI Experiences are available to you as a student, and then throughout your career as a Veterinary Technician. You can gain valuable skills, confidence and experience helping animals around the world. With the exception of the placements listed below, these AEI Experiences will not qualify as an official International Placement, however they all offer you the opportunity to travel, network and set yourself apart in a competitive field after graduation.
All of our placements have our volunteers directly taking part in the care and conservation of animals, both wild and domestic! Any experience of your choice would be beneficial for your CV and provide you with real world experience working with a variety of species.
AEI Experiences are non-structured placements – built around your interests, your particular skill set and your schedule. AEI Experiences are project-based, working with Placement Partners that are well established in their communities. We can develop a placement for you that will allow you to contribute to a valuable project and provide you with the opportunity to travel and experience the country in which you are visiting. Interested in learning more about fundraising for your externship? Please check out our fundraising page!
Are you nervous about travel and your safety? It's okay, travelling and volunteering can be overwhelming, that is why we exist! To help you travel safe, volunteer smartly and get back home in one piece. To read more about how we help you stay safe, please read our Guide to Safety.
Dogs in Bhaktapur Nepal. Approved for Ridgewater College Veterinary Technology Program Students.
Humane dog and cat population management and education.
There are more than 20,000 street dogs in Kathmandu. Working with this Placement Partner will have you humanely treat the street dog problem through a community changing spay, neuter and release program. Medical, education and animal care positions are available. Help this placement partner create a city where cruelty towards animals is eliminated.
Dogs Rescue and Care in Kenya. Approved for Ridgewater College Veterinary Technology Program Students.
Humane care and socialisation so dogs can be adopted in Nairobi.
While not approved for externship credits, this program is highly recommended for those interested in shelter medicine. This shelter doesn't just pick these animals up - they rescue them. All of the animals that have been brought to the centre will have the chance to be adopted in the community. To ensure these adoptions are successful, the staff and volunteers do everything they can to make these animals feel safe again.
2 Week Wildlife Rehabilitation Medicine Course in Guatemala. Approved for Ridgewater College Veterinary Technology Program Students.
One on one volunteering and teaching with wildlife veterinarians.
Their Wildlife Programs for Veterinary Students will provide instruction in the capture, management and husbandry of Primates, Psitacines and Reptiles and will include hands-on instruction with medical treatments and surgery (as cases permit), sample collection and processing and necropsy techniques in a variety of species.