Volunteering on Your Honeymoon.
Celebrate your marriage on a romantic getaway that includes an animal adventure! What better way to start your life together than by helping animals in an exotic location. Spend time on a tropical island in Australia caring for sea turtles. Share a yurt in Mongolia helping wild horses. Stay in a beautiful seaside town observing dolphins in the Agean Sea. We will help you create the perfect honeymoon that combines relaxing down time with a meaningful volunteer experience helping the animals of your choice. Together you can commit to a life of adventure and giving back to the world. You have so much to be thankful for. Share your love and make the world a better place by volunteering with AEI!
Bat Conservation in Australia
Help bat conservation in beautiful northern Queensland.
Here they rescue, rehabilitate and release several species of native Australian bats. The hospital dedicates its efforts to rescuing sick, injured and orphaned bats and treats four species of Australian flying-foxes, including Spectacled Flying-foxes and Little Red Flying-foxes, Tube-Nosed Fruit bats, and even a few microbats such as such as Nyctophilus and Freetail bats.
Starting at $2075 Canadian for 1 week.
Wildlife Rehabilitation in Australia
Join the team and care for wildlife at this Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Australia.
This is a wildlife rehabilitation centre located in Western Australia that rehabilitates and treats sick, injured and orphaned wild animals. The centre admits more than 2,400 animals each year and offers expert care and rehabilitation with the goal of releasing the wildlife back to the wild. The main focus of this wildlife centre is a commitment to the protection and welfare of native wildlife.
Starting at $2117 Canadian for 4 weeks.
Wildlife Rehabilitation in Guatemala
Help sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in central Guatemala.
This Wildlife Rescue Centre was originally created for a very specific and urgent purpose: to build a rescue center to care for and rehabilitate wild animals that were being confiscated on the black market by the Guatemalan government. Over the years it has grown into one of the largest and most complex rescue centres in the world. Each year it admits over 500 animals representing more than 40 species of wildlife.
Starting at $1771 Canadian for 1 week.
Sea Turtle Conservation in Costa Rica
Help conserve sea turtles on the Pacific coast.
Nearly all species of sea turtles are endangered – their numbers dropping due to poaching and over-exploitation, climate change and pollution, habitat destruction, accidental capture in fishing gear and trauma from boats. Our partner organization in Costa Rica helps sea turtles through conservation, research, sea turtle rescue and rehabilitation.
Starting at $1921 Canadian for 1 week.
Elephant Rescue in Thailand
Help care for elephants in Thailand.
The mission of this elephant rescue centre is to stop the suffering of these magnificent creatures. They do this by providing a sanctuary for neglected and mistreated elephants that would otherwise be living on the streets of Bangkok or other large cities. The elephants are free to live and roam safely on a large plot of land that has been generously donated to the centre. The care and attention that they receive ensures that they can live healthy and natural lives, no longer having to perform or carry out back-breaking work for the pleasure of tourists.
Starting at $1940 Canadian for 1 week.
Wildlife Rehabilitation in Thailand
Help care for wildlife rescued in Thailand.
Wild animals in Thailand are experiencing pressures from many sources – loss of habitat, hunting, the illegal pet trade, use of animals by the entertainment industry, and cruelty and abuse by people. In an attempt to help native wildlife this organization runs several projects including hands-on wildlife rescue, wildlife rehabilitation, community education and research. Built on temple land, the centre provides the animals with a huge plot of forest to shelter in during their rehabilitation, or for some to live in for the rest of their lives.
Starting at $1770 Canadian for 1 week.
Horse Conservation in Mongolia
Help monitor the wild horses of Mongolia.
Citizen Scientists are needed immediately to help monitor the wild horses of Mongolia and ensure their survival. Support our partner in Hustai National Park as they conserve and protect important ecosystems and reintroduce and sustain these amazing horses. You will be observing the horses in the field, noting their behavior, the growth of the foals, and their numbers and distribution. The data and information collected by the volunteers is used by the resident biologists and researchers to help them manage the reintroduction of takhi into the wild, and to aid the study and protection of the forest-steppe ecosystem.
Starting at $1859 Canadian for 1 week.
Dog Rescue in Nepal
Help street dogs in Nepal through rescue, treatment and education programs.
There are thousands of dogs living on the streets in Nepal. These dogs suffer from neglect, starvation, injuries and disease. They also pose a health threat to people - every year, around 200 Nepali people die of rabies and 16,000 are treated for dog bites. You do not need veterinary experience to volunteer. Volunteers help with feeding the dogs, cleaning, grooming, and bathing the dogs at the shelter, exercising and walking the dogs and assisting the team in other activities.
Starting at $1812 Canadian for 1 week.
Dog Rescue in Spain
Help rescue and rehabilitate Spanish Galgos.
Help save these amazing dogs! In Spain, galgos – Spanish greyhounds - are used for hunting hares in the countryside. Despite being part of Spanish culture for centuries, as “hunting dogs” galgos are not seen as companion animals and often have difficult lives filled with neglect and abuse. Their speed and agility make them excellent at chasing hares and breeders aspire to create the “perfect” galgos.
Starting at $1473 Canadian for 1 week.
Horse Rescue in Spain
Help take care of rescued horses, ponies and donkeys in southern Spain.
This equine rescue centre, located in the Costa Blanca region of Spain, provides an essential service. Their mission is to rescue and rehabilitate abused, neglected and abandoned horses, ponies and donkeys, while campaigning for the better treatment of animals across Spain. They provide each rescued animal with a safe and loving sanctuary for the rest of their lives, either at their facility or through re-homing.
Starting at: $1430 Canadian for 1 week.
Dog Rescue in Kenya
Help rescue and rehabilitate dogs, cats and farm animals in Kenya.
When people think of Kenya, African wildlife come quickly to mind - but Kenya’s domestic animals also need our help. As in many countries, the unfortunate reality is that domestic and farm animals are often abused and abandoned. Volunteers at this centre help with all aspects of care for the animals – which can number as many as 200 at one time. Daily volunteer duties include the cleaning of dog runs, paddocks, enclosures, and the catteries.
Starting at $1902 Canadian for 1 week.
Dolphin Conservation in Croatia
Help with dolphin conservation in Croatia.
Our partner in Croatia has come to the aid of the dolphins. This organization began as a collaboration between the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, local biologists and scientists from several international universities. Their main aim is to monitor the dolphins and use the information collected to form a baseline for conservation plans. This 11 day placement is well structured. Each day begins with a group breakfast and briefing of the planned activities for the day. Mornings are spent analyzing new data. Volunteers help to check and enter data from the previous evening into the database and transcribe the notes made during the observation. The afternoon is spent in the boat watching the dolphin pods and recording the findings.
$2129 Canadian per participant for the 11 day program.
Wildlife Rehabilitation in Malawi
Help care for wildlife rescued in Malawi.
Malawi is the principle hub for wildlife trafficking in Southern Africa. Wild animals in the region are threatened by this illegal wildlife activity as well as the bushmeat trade, deforestation and other conflicts with people. This organization aims to protect wildlife, provide care for rescued wild animals and empower the guardians of the wild. More than 200 animals are in care at this wildlife centre, with the goal of returning as many as possible back to the wild each year.
Starting at $2997 Canadian for 2 weeks.