When you google ocelot, this is what comes up:
Can you keep an ocelot as a pet?
Is it legal to have an ocelot as a pet?
Are ocelots dangerous pets?
Animal trafficking is alive and well in the Americas. It's disturbing how these animals are captured. It's harrowing to see how they are illegally trafficked from the country. It's heartbreaking to see what their lives become when they are stolen from the wild and live as unhappy pets in small enclosures.
This is an animal sanctuary we recently visited in Costa Rica. While sanctuaries are not perfect (only the wild is), it did a pretty damn good job explaining to people why these animals couldn't be realised back into their forest homes. Spoiler alert: humans. When these animals are trafficked sometimes their teeth are ripped out without anaesthetic, sometimes they are declawed without anaesthetic, sometimes they are just taken so young they never had a chance to learn how to be wild. They can't hunt, socialise, den or even really cat.
Humanities obsession with owning things and our entitlement over the natural world has spelled often a life of torture and psychosis for the animals who survive animal trafficking.
If you love animals, keep them in the wild. Ocelots are not for you, no matter how cute you think they are.
While this enclosure is pretty good habitat for this cat, it pales in comparison to the life she would have if she was in the wild.