Splurge Travel

  • December 16, 2024

  • December 16, 2024

Sometimes the season we are in is a saving season. But sometimes we are lucky enough to be in a splurge era. If you have found yourself in this season, let us convince you to come travel with us! Travelling abroad is the best plan... let us tell you why!

We think the best vacation splurge is an ethical animal volunteering encounter. Swimming with dolphins seems magical but later on you will find out it's very sad for the animals and the local community. Visiting an animal sanctuary is neat but anyone can just take a tour. Sitting on the beach and wondering how these paper straws are actually helping sea turtles is baffling.

Why not volunteer with animals in the local community? In Costa Rica you can volunteer directly with sea turtles and when you go with a certifiably ethical company, you will never have to wonder if these pictures will look dated (like those riding elephant pictures from Thailand).

Want to volunteer with toucans? You can do that in Guatemala. Providing meaningful help to local wildlife rescuers, vets and nurses you can make sure the community is benefitting while you have an experience like none other.

To volunteer for a week in Guatemala it's only $1771 Canadian so it really isn't a splurge since your food, accomodation and training is included. It's like an all inclusive trip but instead of a volleyball game and taco bar, you are making enrichment for howler monkeys and trying local cuisine.

Want to volunteer with elephants in Thailand and learn more about their unique personalities while making sure the local community is well supported when they choose conservation over exploitation? It's $2209 for the week. An investment but a splurge you will always remember!

If you would like to talk more about volunteering with animals ethically, please don't hesitate to send us a message! We are an award winning certified B Corp who has been helping people volunteer with animals internationally since 2011! I love talking ethics, animals and the little treats we get when we participate!