Covid-19 and Travelling to Thailand

  • June 17, 2024

  • December 12, 2024

We have recently had some people postpone their trip to Thailand due to Covid-19 and fears of infection.

Let us say, this is a high stress time with misinformation swirling around quite a lot. We are really happy to be able to be able to talk more about Covid-19 because we believe with more information we all can make better decisions about travel. Remember all media can be divided up into three categories: what we know is true (science based fact), what we think is true (how we interpreted those facts) and then speculation/ opinion. When you are reading about Covid-19, travel and really anything at all, it’s important to be critical about the publication, the author, the bias and the ‘facts’. Its important to look for articles that states their sources and reference trusted sources. The World Health Organization: trusted. My Uncle Jimmy who posts an unreferenced photo of an unnamed market in an unnamed country: not trusted.

We have been watching this outbreak as well and have been in constant contact with our group in Thailand to see what things look like on the ground. Currently, the Covid-19 virus has been reported in Thailand, with a total of 40 people infected. 13 of those have been new infections in the last month. Currently, there are more people in the United State of America that have been infected with Covid-19 than in Thailand. Thailand, with it's high level of development, health care and massive emphasis on tourism is in a unique position that they have been able to keep travelers and residents protected from outbreaks. 

Thailand is Asia’s most prepared country in the event of an epidemic, as ranked by Johns Hopkins University, and sixth out of 165 countries globally. Thailand ranked second in having a robust health system capable of treating the sick and protecting healthcare workers. It was ranked third in the prevention of the emergence or release of pathogens.

Currently we follow the World Health Organization and the government of Canada travel advisories and both have not changed how they rank travel to Thailand. Neither of them have warned that travel to Thailand would be dangerous or put you at risk of Covid-19. We have no reason to believe that travel to Thailand would be dangerous at this time. If things change, of course we will alert our travellers and we will be able to change their trip. However, knowing how well prepared Thailand is and how well they have kept their people and travelers safe in past pandemics (SARS, H1N1, etc), we and global experts have no reason to believe our travelers will be at a higher risk of contracting Covid-19 if they travel to Thailand. 

It is also important to note that our wildlife and elephant centre is 2,464 km away from Wutan province, where the Covid-19 outbreak originated. This is the same distance from Toronto to the south of Cuba. Travel has been banned and restricted in China and between China and most other countries which is why we are seeing very few reports of Covid-19 in places outside of China.

We are cautiously optimistic that the vaccine that is being tested now will bring safety to even more people in the coming months. 

Is Covid-19 scary to read about? Yes it is. But so are other viruses and diseases that we have now become blind to: rabies, malaria, zika, etc. So before you cancel your trip because it seems like Covid-19 is dangerously everywhere, please contact us so we can discuss with you more details about it. Hand washing continues to be the best way to stop the spread of infection so no matter if you travel or not, please wash your hands.

We really recommend listening to the podcast: Science Vs. They do a science based breakdown of Covid-19 that could really help clear a lot of the misinformation. We really like this source because they have a huge number of citations that you can go through yourself. They have a new episode they released in March: Science Vs. Corona Virus Updated.

UPDATE: Here is the most recent statement from our partner in Thailand:

We are following news updates of the virus and advice of health professionals on how to best deal with the situation. 

There have been 19 confirmed cases of the virus in Thailand and 1000’s more around the world, mostly in China but also in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Australia, Canada, the USA, among others. There have currently been no fatalities outside China. The virus can only be fatal in humans with underlying health conditions, the elderly and the young.

Luckily, our centre is not within an area where we see a large number of Chinese tourists. However local beach resorts of both Cha am and Hua Hin are busy tourist destinations so we recommend avoiding visiting these places and if volunteers do visit these places they are advised to where a mask. Volunteers are also advised to avoid any unnecessary contact with other humans and regularly wash their hands.

We recommend that volunteers do not fly through Mainland China prior to coming to Thailand.

While at the airports, using public transport, or other heavily populated areas we recommend wearing a mask and avoiding any unnecessary contact with other humans.

We think the risk of coming into contact with the virus while at the centre is less that it would in any other country in the world who have already seen the virus. It is no different to attending school, work or visiting your local shopping mall.

We hope that world leaders and health authorities deal with the spread of the virus around the world fast and effectively.

Please let us know if you have any further questions